When a Debt Collector Calls, How Should You Answer?
Posted by admin9 on Jun 24, 2021 in Blog | Comments Off on When a Debt Collector Calls, How Should You Answer?If you’re in over your head financially, you’re not alone. Americans now hold over $12.73 trillion dollars in consumer debt, with over $1 trillion of that from credit cards. Are you one of them? The push to collect on debts has reached a fever pitch. This means you’re probably receiving quite a few debt collection phone calls. While you may want to ignore these phone calls, this won’t make your debt go away. Experts recommend you answer when they call and do these three things:
#1 Make sure the debt collector and the debt are legitimate.
When you answer the phone, ask who you’re talking to, which is the person’s name and the debt collection company. Also ask for the company’s address and phone number and the name of the creditor. Ask the debt collector for the amount owed as well as how you can dispute or verify the debt. If the debt collector won’t or can’t tell you this information the first time you are contacted, ask for the information in writing before you engage with the collection company any further.
#2 Identify the debt.
If you recognize the debt, now is the time to work with the debt collector and develop a repayment plan. What if you don’t recognize the debt, though? Write and ask for formal written verification of the debt. If you are sure that the debt is not yours, write the debt collector to tell them the debt is not yours and that you do not want to be contacted about it again.
#3 Keep all of your written documents.
By now you may see there’s a lot of writing going on. This is because over the phone, it’s all too easy for the other person to say “No, that didn’t happen.” In order for your requests to be legally binding by the Fair Debt Collection Practice Act, they need to be in writing. Keep the letters you receive and make copies of the letters you send in case you need to dispute the issue later.
It is time you take back control of your life! Are you receiving harassing collection calls? Are you getting multiple calls per day from the same collector? Are collectors filling up your voicemail box? Are they calling all hours of the day? You don’t have to put up with these harassing calls any longer because you can bring in the team at Safe Credit Solution to educate you and fight for you. Make today the day you reach out to Safe Credit Solutions and learn what we can do for you.
This won’t add to your debt. This is a FREE service to you! In fact, our services may actually lower your debt! In some cases, you could receive up to $1,000, have your debt absolved, and your name removed from reporting.